Vrem sa fim cat mai aproape de tine si din acest motiv dorim sa deschidem in fiecare sector cel putin cate o clinica, iar momentan avem 3 locatiii deschise in Bucuresti, in zonele Unirii, Titan si Rahova.
La noi iti poti face toate analizele decontate de C.A.S.M.B, inclusiv testul Babes-Papanicolau!
Gynecolife UNIRII:
Adresa: Str. Wilhelm Filderman nr.18 (repere: in spatele bancii Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, Tribunalul Bucuresti, Biblioteca Nationala a Romaniei)
Telefon: 0761.379.060
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RATB: 104, 123, 124, N103, N104, N111
Program functionare:
Luni - Vineri: 13.00 - 20.00
Gynecolife TITAN:
Adresa: Bd. Theodor Pallady nr 18, bl. M5A, sc. A, parter, ap. 1, interfon 1C, Bucuresti
Telefon: 0765.486.858
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Program functionare:
Luni - Vineri: 13.00 - 20.00